
Joe White's lair

(Mostly) Technical Stuff

Joe White's blog

Established in 2004, made famous when I was one of the first BorCon live-bloggers, and lately fallen into relative disuse, my blog is where I come to talk about "Life, .NET, and Cats".

Resources for Windows 8 Development

Microsoft has a lot of documentation about developing Windows Store apps, but there are some areas that are glaringly undocumented. This is my attempt to fill in some of those gaps.

DGrok Delphi Parser

A grammar for Delphi source code, and a Delphi parser written in C#. Includes a few tools for sniffing out code smells.



Creative Commons-licensed pixel art I've created. I've also made some contributions to the Universal LPC Spritesheet.


The webcomic I did for a while back in 1999.


Two NaNoWriMo novels, several short stories, and a few poems from long ago.
